Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Resources | Tailored resources to educate & empower surrounding the impacts of sexual trauma
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free resources.

bespoke free resources.

co-produced with individuals with lived experience of sexual trauma. 


our resources & content are copyright of GINA - we acknowledge the importance of sharing these resources to support individuals; we ask that you credit GINA for these resources, associated information & designs provided.

Resource library.png

resource library.

our expansive library of free bespoke resources, available on our virtual bookshelf.
information, tools & activities to support you with the impacts of sexual violence & abuse.


support directory.

our directory of specialist organisations that can support you with the range of impacts of sexual trauma.

Studying at Home

student support hub.

an online platform that has been created for students who have been subjected to sexual violence & abuse while at university or if previous trauma is impacting your university experience. you can find some advice & guidance on how to speak to/report to/get support from your university, continue with academic life, feeling safe on campus & nights out & look after yourself in the process.

Holding hands

support circle hub.

an online platform that has been created with messages from individuals subjected to sexual violence & abuse to family, friends & loved ones who are supporting them. here, friends, family & loved ones who are supporting individuals subjected to sexual violence & abuse can find some advice & guidance on how to have conversations, provide support & look after yourselves in the process.

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